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“Tadafuq” Feb, 2017
“Tadafuq” Contemporary Saudi Art Exhibition collaboration between banafsajeel, Hafez Gallery and Art Jameel, during Jeddah art week, Saudi Arabia.
"137.5" this universe ruled by sophisticated mathematical laws, the flow of life continues from the same constants in everything that surrounds us. the innovation of creation carries the variables and contrast that made it an icon of knowledge and that's how constants are discovered between the universe, constants and the mind variables, my work continues spinning.
Wires & plastic
Size 197×122 cm
“Shara” Jun, 2017
“Shara” art fair with Hafez gallery at the Saudi Art Council, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
"Your story" Every one of us has a different story, experiments that ends in success or failure. Each one of us chose a path hoping that it leads to safety and not ruin. Some built walls of fear and others turned their fears to stairs and rose up over them.
Your Story
Wood & plastic
Acrylic on canvas
Size 150x100 cm 3p
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